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Dr. Augustine Ukpebor
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adjunct Faculty, Computer Engineering
Office Address: P.O. Box 17098
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9793923
E-mail: augustine.ukpebor@jsums.edu

Dr. Leo U. Ukpong
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Visiting Professor, Accounting
Office Address: P.O. Box 17970
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9792612
E-mail: leo.u.ukpong@jsums.edu

Carolyn Upkins
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adjunct Faculty, Dean, School of Business
Office Address: P.O. Box 18660
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9792411
E-mail: carolyn.u.upkins@jsums.edu
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Release: 8.24