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Dr. Rocky Talchabhadel
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering
Office Address: P.O. Box 17068
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9793913
E-mail: rocky.talchabhadel@jsums.edu

Ms. Jana R. Talley
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate Professor, Mathematics
Office Address: P.O Box 17610
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9792161
E-mail: jana.r.talley@jsums.edu (Preferred)

Ashley A. Tanksley
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Asst. VP of Enrollment Mgmt., Assoc VP Enrollment Management
E-mail: ashley.a.tanksley@jsums.edu

Dr April L Tanner
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Professor, Computer Science
Office Address: 1400 J R Lynch St
JSU Box 18839
Jackson, MS 39217-0002
E-mail: april.l.tanner@jsums.edu

Ms. Evelyn Loraine Tate
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Library Technical Asst II, Div Of Library & Information Resour
Office Address: P.O. Box 17000
Jackson, MS 39217
Office Telephone: 601 9792123
E-mail: evelyn.l.tate@jsums.edu (Preferred)

Ms Shannon D Tatum
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Student Publications Manager, Blue & White Flash
Office Address: P.O. Box 18449
Jackson, MS 39217
Office Telephone: 601 9792082
E-mail: shannon.d.tatum@jsums.edu (Preferred)

Anastasia Taylor
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Dir. of Digital & Community Eng., Margaret W. Alexander Research Ctr
Office Address: PO Box 17008
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9793935
E-mail: anastasia.taylor@jsums.edu

Dr. Brock A. Taylor
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Director, Housing & Residence Life
Office Address: PO Box 17540
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 979-2326
E-mail: brock.a.taylor@jsums.edu

Hoshannah N. Taylor
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Community Planner, Title III
Office Address: PO Box 18120
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 979-1417
E-mail: hoshannah.taylor@jsums.edu

Ms. Jamanda M. Taylor
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Administrative Coordinator, Provost & VP for Academic Affairs
Office Address: P.O. Box 17004
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 979-2107
E-mail: jamanda.m.taylor@jsums.edu

LaTonya M. Taylor
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Purchasing Agent, Purchasing and Travel
Office Address: P O Box 17029
Jackson, MS 39217-0001
E-mail: latonya.m.taylor@jsums.edu

Dr. Laura C. Taylor
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adjunct Faculty, Masters Ofsocial Work Program
E-mail: laura.c.taylor@jsums.edu

Mrs Mary A Taylor (Mary)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Customer Care Specialist, Facility & Construction Mngt (FCM)
Office Address: P.O. Box 17461
Jackson, MS 39217
Office Telephone: 601 9792522
E-mail: mary.a.taylor@jsums.edu

Michael Paul Taylor II
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adjunct Faculty, Theatre Arts & Dance
Office Address: P.O. Box 17126
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9792426
E-mail: michael.p.taylor@jsums.edu

Dr. Tammi M. Taylor
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate Professor, Biology
E-mail: tammi.m.taylor@jsums.edu

Mr. Thomas C. Taylor Jr
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Head Football Coach, Football
E-mail: thomas.c.taylor@jsums.edu

Dr. Clauditte Tchakounte Tchakoua
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Instructor, English And Mod Foreign Language
Office Address: P.O. Box 17036
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9792249
E-mail: clauditte.tchakounte_tchakoua@jsums.edu

Dr Martha N Tchounwou
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Director of Student Services, Dean, School Of Science & Technolog
Office Address: P.O. Box 18750
Jackson, MS 39217
Office Telephone: 601 9791604
E-mail: martha.n.tchounwou@jsums.edu (Preferred)

Ms. Candilyn M. Tenner
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Quality Care Services Officer, Title III
Office Address: P.O. Box 17910
Jackson, MS 39217
Office Telephone: 601 9792756
E-mail: candilyn.m.tenner@jsums.edu

Ashley M. Terrell
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Grad Student Success Coach, Title III
Office Address: P.O. Box 17095
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9792455
E-mail: ashley.m.terrell@jsums.edu
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Release: 8.24