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Amber N. Pack
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Coord. of Ticketing Operations, Division of Athletics
Office Address: P.O. Box 17810
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 979-2291
E-mail: amber.n.pack@jsums.edu

Dr. Maricica Pacurari
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate Professor, Biology
E-mail: maricica.pacurari@jsums.edu

Ms Tiffany R. Paige
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Director, Title III
Office Address: P.O. Box 17083
H.T. Sampson Library, 2nd Floor
Jackson, MS 39217
E-mail: tiffany.r.paige@jsums.edu

Ms. Brandi A. Palmer (Brandi)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Retention Specialist, Title III
Office Address: PO Box 17083
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 979-6949
E-mail: brandi.a.palmer@jsums.edu

Ms Teresa L. Palmer-Jones
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: TRIO Talent Search Director, Title III
Office Address: P O Box 17083
Jackson, MS 39217-0001
Office Telephone: 601 9793114
E-mail: teresa.l.palmer-jones@jsums.edu

Mack C. Pampley III
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Exe. Admin. Assist./Prevention Coalition, Community Engagement
Office Address: P.O. Box 18120
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9791417
E-mail: mack.c.pampley@jsums.edu

Ms. Qing Pang
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Instructor, Computer Engineering
Office Address: P.O. Box 17098
Jackson, MS 39217
Office Telephone: 601 9790270
601 9790975
E-mail: qing.pang@jsums.edu

Mr Stevenson Paradeshi (Stevenson)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: System Administrator, Computing & Commmunications Ctr
Office Address: P.O. Box 17039
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9790639
E-mail: stevenson.paradeshi@jsums.edu

Mrs. Mickie M. Parker
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Executive HR Director, Human Resources
Office Address: P.O. Box 17028
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9792015
E-mail: mickie.m.parker@jsums.edu

Pervis D. Parker
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: General Mgr & Acct Executive, Low Power Tv
Office Address: Mississippi e-Center, 1st floor
230 Raymond Road, Box 2100
Jackson, MS 39204
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9792151
E-mail: pervis.d.parker@jsums.edu

Dominique C. Pates
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Grad Student Success Coach, Title III
Office Address: PO Box 17095
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 979-2455
E-mail: dominique.c.pates@jsums.edu

Mrs. Anita K. Patlolla
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Professor, Biology
Office Address: P.O. Box 18540
Jackson, MS 39217
Office Telephone: 601 9790210
E-mail: anita.k.patlolla@jsums.edu (Preferred)

Dr Chuck Patrick
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Project Manager, Division of Information Technology
Office Address: P O Box 17750
Jackson, MS 39217-0001
E-mail: chuck.patrick@jsums.edu

Ms Irish Patrick-Williams
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adjunct Faculty, Health Care Administration
Office Address: P.O. Box 18840
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9798826
E-mail: irish.patrick-williams@jsums.edu

Mr. Kevin Patterson (Kevin)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Research Associate, Psychology
Office Address: P O Box 17550
Jackson, MS 39217-0001
E-mail: kevin.a.patterson@jsums.edu (Preferred)

Ms. Stephanie L. Payne
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Basic Skills Teacher, Continuing Education Learning Ctr
Office Address: 3825 Ridgewood Rd Unit 23
Jackson, MS 39211-6462
E-mail: stephanie.l.payne@jsums.edu

Dr. Marinelle Payton (Marinelle)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Chair and Professor, Public Health
Office Address: P O Box 17038
Jackson, MS 39217-0001
E-mail: marinelle.payton@jsums.edu (Preferred)

Dr. Leticia Perez Alonso
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate Professor, English And Mod Foreign Language
Office Address: P.O. Box 17036
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9792249
E-mail: leticia.p.alonso@jsums.edu

Dr. Whitney D. Perkins
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Chair/Asst Prof/Grad Prog Dir, Communicative Disorders
Office Address: P.O. Box 17400
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 4326717
E-mail: whitney.d.perkins@jsums.edu

Dr. Lyudvig S. Petrosyan
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Instructor, Physics/Atmospheric Science
Office Address: P.O. Box 17660
Jackson, MS 39217
United States of America
Office Telephone: 601 9797012
E-mail: lyudvig.s.petrosyan@jsums.edu
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Release: 8.24